Starry was born on May 17, 2012
LSR Starlight Pedigree and AHCA Registration Information
Starry is our oldest cow and is from the Laughing Sun Ranch Farm. Starry has an exceptional temperament and is so sweet and gorgeous. Soon after we got her when we would get home from work, I would holler at her and say, “Hey Starry” and she would always moo back to me. I have had several people offer to buy her since she has outstanding genetics, but she is not for sale. We have 2 of her daughters here, Wendy and Fiona. Starry has had 5 calves, all heifers, 1 dun, 1 silver and 3 whites. She is an excellent mother and loves her calves.
We are anticipating a 2024 Spring calf with Starry and H-L Duke
Her sire is Skye High Wayward Son. He was the 2011 National Western Stock Show Grand Champion Bull. His sire, Ben Eniglair of Scone Palace was a Scottish Import!

Her Damn is LSR Queen of the Meadow.

A couple of pictures when Starry was young and recent pictures of her at almost 12 years old

Here are pictures of her calves.